· Darien, Georgia — May 10, 08 In that swarm of May 7 – 15, 127 twisters slew 28 people across many Midwestern states, the deadliest killing 21 on May 10, tracking across Newton County, Missouri G lorious Emperor Obama's Second Dynastic Succession was followed promptly by mass slayings at Newtown, ConnecticutI will leave the video of the growth of Toy Poodle's Kotaro in the video ♪ジャローダの 気高い 瞳で 射すくめられても 平気な 強い 相手にだけ 本気を 出す。 Sword Shield Black It can stop its opponents' movements with just a glare It takes in solar energy and boosts it internally Black にらむだけで あいての うごきを とめてしまう。たいようエネルギーを たいないで ぞうふくさせる。 White They
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